National Investors’ Conference
30 September 2024 | Bangalore
Welcome to the CII Investors' Conference 2024, a premier event dedicated to bridging the gap between groundbreaking innovation and the Indian industry. As we navigate a rapidly evolving business landscape, the role of strategic investment in nurturing innovation-focused startups has never been more crucial. Our conference aims to explore and leverage the synergies between innovation ecosystems and industrial growth, providing a platform for meaningful dialogues and impactful partnerships.
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Key Speakers
Mr Kris Gopalakrishnan
CII CIES Advisory Board & Chairman, Axilor Ventures
Mr Kushe Bahl
McKinsey & Co
Mr Avnish Sabharwal
CII CIES CVC Conference & Managing Director Accenture Ventures
Mr Rama Bethmangalkar
Qualcomm Ventures
Mr Amitesh Sinha
Vice President & Head
Corporate Venture Capital & Vedanta Spark
Ms Tina Philip
Principal Director
Accenture Ventures & Open Innovation
Mr Pankaj Mitra
Head of Startups &
Venture Capital
Cisco Investments
Mr Rajat Tandon
Indian Venture and Alternate Capital Association (IVCA)
Ms Madhurima Agarwal
Managing Director
Microsoft for Startups, India
Mr Sandeep Nagbhushan
Infosys Innovation Fund
Mr Pranav Pai
Founding Partner & CIO
3one4 Capital
Mr Sandeep Kumar Jain
Managing Director
InteQuant Advisors Private Limited
Mr Vishesh Rajaram
Managing Partner
Speciale Invest
Mr Ben Mathias
Vertex Ventures
Ms Nruthya Madappa
3one4 Capital
Mr Abhishek Bhagat
Managing Director
Digital & Technology Investment Banking JM Financial Ltd
Ms Neha Singh
Mr Deepak Padaki
Catamaran Ventures
Mr Mathew Thomas
Saraf and Partners
The 2024 edition will shine a spotlight on two key investment channels that are pivotal to the success of emerging startups: Venture Capital (VC) and Corporate Venture Capital (CVC). Both channels play unique roles in the innovation ecosystem, driving growth, scaling new technologies, and facilitating the commercial success of startups.

Venture Capital (VC) remains a cornerstone of entrepreneurial finance, offering startups not just capital but also guidance, mentorship, and networking opportunities. VCs invest in high-potential startups, fueling their growth and enabling them to disrupt markets with innovative solutions.

Corporate Venture Capital(CVC), on the other hand, represents a strategic investment approach where established corporations invest in startups to gain access to new technologies, business models, and market insights. This symbiotic relationship allows corporations to stay ahead of industry trends while providing startups with the resources and expertise needed to scale.

The CII Investors' Conference 2024 will feature insightful discussions, panel sessions, and networking opportunities focused on these investment channels. Our goal is to foster collaborations that drive technological advancement and economic growth, creating a vibrant ecosystem where innovation thrives.
Chairman - CVC Track
Avnish Sabharwal
Managing Director
Accenture Ventures
Chairman - VC Track
Siddarth Pai
Founding Partner
3one4 Capital
Key Highlights
Masterclass on Corporate Venturing:
Insights into establishing and managing a successful corporate venture arm.
Global and Domestic Case Studies:
Insights into corporate venturing strategies from around the world and within India.
Panel Discussion:
Exploring key topics shaping the future of corporate venture capital and startup ecosystems.
Fireside Chat:
A conversation on the evolution from startup to corporate giant, featuring lessons on growth, scaling, and leadership.
Innovation Showcase:
A display of groundbreaking solutions and technologies from leading startups.
For Participation and Sponsorship, contact :

Booma Rajagopal: booma.rajagopal@cii.in / +91 8754410311
Nishit Sharma: nishit.sharma@cii.in
Vaishnavi Reddy: vaishnavi.reddy@cii.in