A Masterclass For Family Offices
19th November 2021
HNIs are adding a $30 billion investment opportunity in India, to their portfolio. Are you?
Over the past few years, family offices world over, have been acting a lot more like venture investors. They are increasing their allocations to venture capital as a way to capture the potential upside of early-stage deals, and also building out their own in-house capabilities to directly and successfully invest in start-ups. Three-quarters of family offices have directly invested in start-ups, and one-quarter have sourced their own deals, as per a recent global survey of family office executives and family members conducted by Silicon Valley Bank and family office advisors Campden Wealth in US. On an average, a larger overall portion of the dollars they invest in ventures are going directly to start-ups than into VC funds.

The Indian investors are still not among the significant lot when it comes to investing in the Startups, as compared to other countries like USA, China, Japan, or Australia from where our Indian startups have largely received funding. It is imperative to recognize wealth creation within the country. Investors comprising of Indian Family offices, HNIs and UHNIs mostly invest in conventional asset classes like stocks, real-estate and gold and if we try to channelize a fraction of their investments towards funding Indian start-ups it would boost the ecosystem to great lengths.

The first edition of the Masterclass for Family offices with the theme: Why investing in startups should be a part of your portfolio was held in the month of August 2021 and was a huge success with participation of 60 Family offices.

To harness the potential of partnership between Family Businesses and Start-ups, the CII Centre of Excellence for Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Start-ups is organising the second edition of the Masterclass on 19th November 2021 at 1430 Hrs over a virtual platform.
CII CIES Advisory Board & Chairman
Axilor Ventures
Rajat Tandon
Ritesh Agarwal
Poyni Bhatt
Ganga S
Gowree Gokhale
Nishith Desai Associates
Mohit Dhawan
Sr. Vice President
Investment Office
Hero Corporate Service Pvt Ltd
Srinath Ramamurthy
Strategic Partnerships
Financial Services &
Investor Relations
TVS Automobile
Key Takeaways
Overview of the Indian start-up ecosystem
Opportunities and benefits of investing for family offices and UHNW in start-ups
Investment opportunities in start-up: Methods (Family offices / Investment networks / Incubators / Accelerators)
Legal aspects while investing in start-ups and experience sharing
Target Audience
  • Promoters of Family Business
  • Professionals heading Family Offices
  • Family Business Next Generation Successors
  • Spouse and other family members involved in family business
  • HNIs & UHNWIs
As each Masterclass is open to only a limited number of participants, the registration would be on a first-come-first-served basis. For more details, members may contact info@ciicies.in / +91 80192 22373