A Masterclass For C-Suite Executives (Edition 2)
27 & 28 January 2022 / 1400–1700 hrs
By 2022, the average lifespan of a company on the S&P Index is likely to shrink from 20 yrs to just 12. Do you know why?
In the sixties, the average lifespan of a company on the S&P 500 Index was almost 60 years. That number now stands at 20 and is likely to shrink to just 12 years by 2027. The big names run the risk of fading into obscurity unless they future-proof their organization by being agile enough to adapt and innovate. One way to do so is to collaborate with startups and access emerging talent pools, learn about innovative new technologies and practices and diversify their existing investment portfolio.

To understand the why and the how of these collaborations, CII Centre of Excellence for Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Startups (CII-CIES) is holding a Masterclass on Why Corporates should work with startups on innovation and R&D. It has been designed by practicing Industry leaders to give C-Suite Executives a clear view of the innovation arena in the country and how to enter it. This is the second edition of the Masterclass and is being organized on popular demand!
CII CIES Advisory Board & Chairman
Axilor Ventures
R. Dinesh
Managing Director
Sven Harmsen, PhD
Director External Ventures at NOVA
R. Raghuttama Rao
GDC at IIT Madras
Madhurima Agarwal
NetApp Accelerator
Prof. Srivardhini K. Jha
Associate Professor
& Chair
Entrepreneurship at IIM-B
Niranjan V.S
Quality Head
Ashok Chandavarkar
Strategic Initiatives
Intel India
Who Should Attend
While any individual interested in the innovation landscape will find this Masterclass interesting, it has been designed keeping in mind Chief Innovation Officers, Business Strategists and Senior Executives.
What You Can Expect To Understand
  • The importance of innovating for an organisation’s success
  • Motivation for large corporates to partner with startups
  • A framework for corporate-startup engagement
  • The dynamics of small-large company engagement
  • How working with startups can improve company’s innovation capacities
  • How co-innovation with startups can speed up a company’s go-to-market of innovative solutions
  • Why collaboration should be a no-brainer for corporate business acceleration and innovation processes
  • How to become part of the solution of exciting and relevant challenges
  • How to work with startups and understand how they think and act
  • Participants will get access to use cases, hands-on tools and processes on how to make co-innovation happen
    on a regular basis